6-9 March 2025, The NEC Birmingham

Past and Present Winners

Greyhound called Primley Sceptre | Crufts

The first Best in Show competition was in 1928, when Greyhound Primley Sceptre was crowned the first Best in Show champion. Since then, there have been 86 Best in Show winners, with 46 different breeds taking home the trophy. Between 1940 and 1947 there was a break from Best in Show, due to World War II. However, it came back and still today, remains the most prestigious award in dog showing.



Watch back, Crufts Best in Show 2024 and 2023 Best in Show winners






Best in Show winners

Year Name/Breed; Owner
2001 Jethard Cidevan/Basenji; Owner - Mr Paul Singleton
2002 Topscore Contradiction/Poodle (Standard); Owner - Mr S and Mrs K Glenna
2003 Yakee A Dangerous Liaison/Pekingese; Owner - Mr Easdon and Mr Martin
2004 Cobyco Call the Tune/Whippet; Owner - Mrs L Yacoby-Wright
2005 Cracknor Cause Celebre/Norfolk Terrier; Owners - Elizabeth Matell, Pam Beale and Stephanie Ingram
2006 Caitland Isle Take a Chance/Australian Shepherd; Owner - Nancy Resetar
2007 Araki Fabulous Willy/Tibetan Terrier; Owners - Mr John Shaw and Mr Neil Smith
2008 Jafrak Philippe Olivier/Giant Schnauzer; Owners - Mr and Mrs Cullen
2009 Efbe's Hidalgo At Goodspice/Sealyham Terrier; Owner - Marjorie Good
2010 Hungargunn Bear It'n Mind/Hungarian Vizsla; Owners - Mrs N and Mrs K Craggs and Armstrong
2011 Vbos The Kentuckian/Retriever (Flat Coated); Owner - Jim Irvine
2012 Zentarr Elizabeth/Lhasa Apso; Owner - Margaret Anderson
2013 Soletrader Peek A Boo/Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen; Owners - Sara Robertson and Wendy Doherty
2014 Afterglow Maverick Sabre/Poodle (Standard); Owners - Jason Lynn, John Stone and Sandra Stone
2015 McVan's To Russia With Love/Scottish Terrier; Owner - M L Khenkina
2016 Burneze Geordie Girl/West Highland White Terrier; Owner - Marie Burns
2017 Afterglow Miami Ink/American Cocker Spaniel; Owners - Jason Lynn and R Da Silva
2018 Collooney Tartan Tease/Whippet; Owners - David and Yvette Short
2019 Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers/Papillon; Owners - K Roosens & J Goessens
2020 Silvae Trademark/Dachshund (Wire-haired); Owner – Mr D.C, and Mrs K.D. McAlmont
2022 Almanza Backseat Driver/Flat Coated Retriever; Owners - Ms R & Mr P Ulin & Oware
2023 Am Gch Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic/Lagotto Romagnolo - Owners Mrs S Zdunić Šinković and Mr A Lucin
2024 Ch Brighttouch Drift The Line Through Dialynne/Australian Shepherd - Owners Melanie Raymond, John Shaw and Kerry Kirtley
2025 Ch/Int/Multi Ch Una Donna Che Conta/Whippet - Owner Enrico De Gaspari
Year Name/Breed; Owner
1977 Bournehouse Dancing Master/English Setter; Owner - Mr Gordon F Williams
1978 Harrowhill Huntsman/Wire Fox Terrier; Owner - Miss Evelyn Howles
1979 Callaghan of Leander/Kerry Blue Terrier; Owner - Wendy Streatfield
1980 Shargleam Blackcap/Retriever (Flat Coated); Owner - Pat Chapman
1981 Astley Portia of Rua/Irish Setter; Owner - Colette and Mary Tuite
1982 Grayco Hazelnut/Poodle (Toy); Owner - Mrs Lesley A Howard
1983 Montravia Kaskarak Hitari/Afghan Hound; Owner - Pauline Gibbs
1984 Saxonsprings Hackensack/Lhasa Apso; Owner - Jean Blyth
1985 Montravia Tommy-Gun/Poodle (Standard); Owner - Mrs Marita Gibbs
1986 Ginger Xmas Carol/Airedale Terrier; Owner - Miss Alessendra Sommi-Livraghi
1987 Viscount Grant/Afghan Hound; Owner - Mr Chris and Mrs Julie Amoo
1988 Starlite Express at Valsett/English Setter; Owner - Mr Joe W and Mrs Val Watkin
1989 Potterdale Classic of Moonhill/Bearded Collie; Owner - Brenda White
1990 Olac Moon Pilot/West Highland White Terrier; Owner - Mr Derek Tattersall
1991 Raycrofts Socialite/Clumber Spaniel; Owner - Mr Ralph Dunne
1992 Pencloe Dutch Gold/Whippet; Owner - Morag Bolton-Lockhart
1993 Danaway Debonair/Irish Setter; Owner - Jackie Lorrimer
1994 Purston Hit and Miss From Brocolitia/Welsh Terrier; Owner - Mrs A. Maughan
1995 Starchelle Chicago Bear/Irish Setter; Owners - Mrs Rachel Shaw-Rainey and Mr Tony Rainey
1996 Canigou Cambrai/English Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Tricia Bentley
1997 Ozmilion Mystification/Yorkshire Terrier; Owner - Osman Sameja
1998 Saredon Forever Young/Welsh Terrier; Owner - Judith Averis
1999 Caspians Intrepid/Irish Setter; Owner - Jackie Lorimer
2000 Torums Scarf Michael/Kerry Blue Terrier; Owner - Mr Ron Ramsay
Year Name/Breed; Owner
1952 Noways Chuckles/Bulldog; Owner - Mr John T Bernard
1953 Elch Elder of Ouborough/Great Dane; Owner - Mr Bill G Siggers
1955 Tzigane Aggri of Nashend/Poodle (Standard); Owner - Mrs April Proctor
1956 Treetops Golden Falcon/Greyhound; Owners - Mr Judy de Cassembroot and Miss Bobbie Greenish
1957 Volkrijk of Vorden/Keeshond; Owner - Mrs Rene Tucker
1958 Chiming Bells/Pointer; Owner - Mrs Bill Parkinson
1959 Sandstorm Saracen/Welsh Terrier; Owners - Mrs D M Leach and Mrs Margaret Thomas
1960 Sulhamstead Merman/Irish Wolfhound; Owners - Florence Nagle and Marion Clark
1961 Riverina Tweedsbairn/Airedale Terrier; Owners - Mr Pat McCaughey and Mr Mac Shutch
1962 Crackwyn Cockspur/Wire Fox Terrier; Owner - Mr Harry L Gill
1963 Rogerholm Recruit/Lakeland Terrier; Owner - Mr Bill Rogers
1964 Silbury Soames of Madavale/English Setter; Owner - Mrs Ada Williams
1965 Fenton of Kentwood/German Shepherd; Owner - Sonnica H Godden
1966 Oakington Puckshill Amber Sunblush/Poodle (Toy); Owner - Mrs Clare E Perry
1967 Stingray of Derryabah/Lakeland Terrier; Owner - Mr Wilf and Mrs Betty Postlewaite
1968 Fanhill Faune/Dalmatian; Owner - Mrs. Jean Woodyatt
1969 Hendrawen's Nibelung of Charavigne/German Shepherd Dog; Owners - Mr Edwin and Mrs Shirley White
1970 Bergerie Knur/Pyrenean Mountain Dog; Owners - Mr Fred and Mrs Constance Prince
1971 Ramacon Swashbuckler/German Shepherd Dog; Owner - Prince Ahmed Husain
1972 Abraxas Audacity/ Bull Terrier; Owner - Violet Drummond-Dick
1973 Alansmere Aquarius/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel; Owner - Mr Alan Hall and Mr John Evans
1974 Burtonswood Bossy Boots/St. Bernard; Owner - Marjorie Hindes
1975 Brookewire Brandy of Layven/Wire Fox Terrier; Owners - Mr Giuseppe Benelli and Mr Paolo Dondini
Year Name/Breed; Owner
1928 Primley Sceptre/Greyhound; Owner - Mr Herbert Whitley
1929 Heather Necessity/Scottish Terrier; Owner - Mr Robert Chapman
1930 Luckystar of Ware/ Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H S Lloyd
1931 Luckystar of Ware/Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H S Lloyd
1932 Bramshaw Bob/Labrador Retriever; Owner - Countess Lorna Howe
1933 Bramshaw Bob/Labrador Retriever; Owner - Countess Lorna Howe
1934 Southball Moonstone/Greyhound; Owner - B Harland-Worden
1935 Pennine Prima Donna/Pointer; Owner - Mr Arthur Eggleston
1936 Choonam Hung Kwong/Chow Chow; Owner - Mrs V A M Mannooc
1937 Cheverell's Ben of Banchory/Labrador Retriever; Owner - Countess Lorna Howe
1938 Exquisite Model of Ware/Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H. S. Lloyd
1939 Exquisite Model of Ware/ Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H. S. Lloyd
1948 Tracey Witch of Ware/ Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H S Lloyd
1950 Tracey Witch of Ware/ Cocker Spaniel; Owner - Mr H S Lloyd