Crufts judges 2025

Breed Judge 2025
Hound group Ms M Persson (Sweden)
Afghan Hound Mr M Canalizo (USA)
Basenji Mrs S Lee
Basset Fauve de Bretagne Dr R W James
Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Mr P Freer
Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) Miss S Parker
Basset Hound Miss L Armstrong
Bavarian Mountain Hound Mr E Engh (Norway)
Beagle Mrs J Philpott
Bloodhound Ms J Parker
Borzoi Mr J Horswell
Cirneco Dell’Etna Mr G Grandi (Italy)
Dachshund (Long Haired) Mr G Hill
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) Mr M Sanders
Dachshund (Smooth Haired) Mr D Roberts
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) Mr R Wood
Dachshund (Wire Haired) Mrs C Dare
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired) Mrs L Sexton
Deerhound Mrs N Bailey
Finnish Spitz Mr E Engh (Norway)
Foxhound Mr M Sanders
Greyhound Ms C Boggia
Hamiltonstovare Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
Harrier Miss S Parker
Ibizan Hound Mrs S Simm
Irish Wolfhound Dr L Salamon (Italy)
Norwegian Elkhound Mrs J Maun
Otterhound Mrs L Mackenzie
Pharaoh Hound Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
Portuguese Podengo (Warren Hound) Mr G Grandi (Italy)
Rhodesian Ridgeback Mr D H Bates
Saluki Mrs J Cotterill
Sloughi Mr G Grandi (Italy)
Whippet (dog) Mrs C Osborne
Whippet (bitch) Mr A Foss (Norway)
AV Import Breed Class Mrs I McManus

Breed Judge 2025
Gundog group Mrs K Moores
Bracco Italiano Mrs L Bowley
Brittany Mr P Yarrow
English Setter Mrs S Littlechild
German Shorthaired Pointer Ms V Mann
German Longhaired Pointer Ms V Mann
German Wirehaired Pointer Mr J D Martin
Gordon Setter Mrs S Upton-Lovett
Hungarian Vizsla Mr F Whyte
Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Mrs S Tolladay
Irish Red and White Setter Mrs S Barry
Irish Setter (dog) Mrs J A Humphreys
Irish Setter (bitch) Mr F Kane
Italian Spinone Mrs D Smillie-Gray
Lagotto Romagnolo Mr G Grandi (Italy)
Large Munsterlander Miss S Pinkerton
Pointer Mr B Williams
Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) Mrs J Eyeington
Retriever (Curly Coated) Mr M Armstrong
Retriever (Flat Coated) (dog) Mrs K Joyce
Retriever (Flat Coated) (bitch) Mr E Engh (Norway)
Retriever (Golden) (dog) Mrs V B Clarke-Gear
Retriever (Golden) (bitch) Mrs F M Clarkson
Retriever (Labrador) (dog) Mrs L McGillivray
Retriever (Labrador) (bitch) Mrs J Hodge
Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Mrs Y Burchell
Spaniel (American Cocker) Mr J Horswell
Spaniel (Clumber) Mrs L J Thorogood
Spaniel (Cocker) (dog) Mrs S Telford
Spaniel (Cocker) (bitch) Mrs S Shinkfield
Spaniel (English Springer) Mrs D Conrad
Spaniel (Field) Ms G Osborn
Spaniel (Irish Water) Mrs K Stirk
Spaniel (Sussex) Mr C Brown
Spanish Water Dog Mrs J Gill-Davis
Spaniel (Welsh Springer) Mr N Worth
Weimaraner Mrs G Simpson
AV Import Breed Class Mrs I McManus

Breed Judge 2025
Terrier group Mr A Westwood
Airedale Terrier Mrs M S Ward
Australian Terrier Miss A Bradley
Bedlington Terrier Mr P Eardley
Border Terrier Mr D Hunt
Bull Terrier Mr G Hughes
Bull Terrier (Miniature) Mrs L McGregor
Cairn Terrier Mrs E Short
Cesky Terrier Mr D Burrage
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Mr S Plane
Fox Terrier (Smooth) Dr I H Gabriel
Fox Terrier (Wire) Mr P Wilkinson
Glen of Imaal Terrier Mr M Phillips
Irish Terrier Mr I Hemmings
Jack Russell Terrier Mr S Delmar (Ireland)
Kerry Blue Terrier Mr A Salmon
Lakeland Terrier Mr N Connell
Manchester Terrier Mr M Phillips
Norfolk Terrier Mr R A Hunt
Norwich Terrier Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
Parson Russell Terrier Mr C Powell
Scottish Terrier Mrs C A Rutherford
Sealyham Terrier Mrs Z Thorn Andrews
Skye Terrier Mr R Allen
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Mr G Dowdy
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (dog) Mr T Moore
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (bitch) Mrs C A Corns
Welsh Terrier Mr J J Ashe
West Highland White Terrier Mrs M Burns

Breed Judge 2025
Utility group Miss A Ingram (Ireland)
Akita Miss K Pearson Smith
Boston Terrier Mr T Jones
Bulldog Mr P New
Canaan Dog Dr A Paloheimo (Finland)
Chow Chow Mr R N Nunn
Dalmatian Mrs I E Whiting
Eurasier Mr T Ball
French Bulldog Dr A Schemel
German Spitz (Mittel) Mr E Engh (Norway)
German Spitz (Klein) Mr J Horswell
Japanese Akita Inu Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
Japanese Shiba Inu Mrs P Sillett
Japanese Spitz Miss L Moir
Keeshond Mrs M Reed-Peck
Kooikerhondje Mr A Allen
Lhasa Apso Mr T Poole (Dogs only) Mrs P Torrance (Bitches)
Miniature Schnauzer Mr F Kane
Poodle (Miniature) Mrs A E Harry- Griffiths
Poodle (Standard) Mrs L Barker
Poodle (Toy) Mrs J Hannar
Schipperke Mrs B A Bradford
Schnauzer Mr S Frost
Shar Pei Miss D Spavin
Shih Tzu Miss S Bird
Tibetan Spaniel Mrs M L Osborn
Tibetan Terrier Mrs P Gilbert
AV Import Breed Class Mr K Baldwin

Breed Judge 2025
Working group Mr T Nagrecha
Alaskan Malamute Mr B J Phillips
Bernese Mountain Dog Mrs A Wilson
Bouvier des Flandres Mrs F H Jonas
Boxer Mr P D Russell
Bullmastiff Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
Canadian Eskimo Dog Mr T Ball
Dobermann Mr F P Wilkes
Dogue de Bordeaux Mrs C Friend-Rees
German Pinscher Mr P Harding
Giant Schnauzer Mrs F Krall
Great Dane Mr J Lockey
Great Swiss Mountain Dog Mr P Harding
Greenland Dog Dr A Paloheimo (Finland)
Hovawart Dr R James
Leonberger Mrs B Bodle
Mastiff Mr C R Hill
Neapolitan Mastiff Mr G Payne
Newfoundland Mrs H Mitchell
Portuguese Water Dog Mrs D Richards
Rottweiler Mr R Chaffe
Russian Black Terrier Mrs S Hockenhull
St Bernard Mrs K Fitzsimmons
Siberian Husky Mr M Patrick
Tibetan Mastiff Mrs J Paradise
AV Import Breed Class Mrs I McManus

Breed Judge 2025
Pastoral group Mr K Young
Anatolian Shepherd Dog Mrs Z Thorn Andrews
Australian Cattle Dog Mrs S Searle
Australian Shepherd Mrs K Angier
Bearded Collie (dog) Mr G Spurrier
Bearded Collie (bitch) Mrs G R Burfitt
Beauceron Miss M Persson (Sweden)
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) Miss K Bird
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Lakenois) Mrs D Penniston-Fleming
Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) Miss K Bird
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) Mrs D Penninston-Fleming
Border Collie (dog) Mr S Atkinson
Border Collie (bitch) Mrs S Gay
Briard Mrs J Wilson
Catalan Sheepdog Miss M Persson (Sweden)
Collie (Rough) (dog) Mr P D Amos
Collie (Rough) (bitch) Miss S M Telford
Collie (Smooth) Mr N J Smith
Estrela Mountain Dog Mr E Engh (Norway)
Finnish Lapphund Mrs S A Carlton
German Shepherd Dog Mr D Bibby
Hungarian Puli Mr D Clarke
Hungarian Pumi Mr E Engh (Norway)
Komondor Mr E Engh (Norway)
Lancashire Heeler Mrs M Jones
Maremma Sheepdog Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
Norwegian Buhund Mrs D Stirling
Old English Sheepdog Mrs A Esposito
Polish Lowland Sheepdog Miss L Mottram
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mr T Nagrecha
Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long-Haired) Mr S Delmar (Ireland)
Samoyed Mrs N L McFadyen
Shetland Sheepdog (dog) Mrs J Hardy
Shetland Sheepdog (bitch) Mrs A Stafford
Swedish Vallhund Mr A Drinkwater
Turkish Kangal Dog Dr A Paloheimo (Finland)
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Mrs B Piears
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Miss L Roberts
AV Import Breed Class Mrs I McManus

Breed Judge 2025
Toy group Mr T Allcock OBE
Affenpinscher Mrs Z Thorn-Andrews
Australian Silky Terrier Dr A Paloheimo (Finland)
Bichon Frise Mr S Bardwell
Bolognese Mrs R McCarry-Beattie
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (dog) Mrs M Fox-Shone
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (bitch) Mr M Sedgwick
Chihuahua (Long Coat) Mrs M Thorpe
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Miss A Jacks
Chinese Crested Mr S Payne
Coton De Tulear Mrs Z Thorn Andrews
English Toy Terrier Mr R Ward
Griffon Bruxellois Miss M Swinge
Havanese Mr R Haynes
Italian Greyhound Mr G Grandi (Italy)
Japanese Chin Mrs J Thomas
King Charles Spaniel Dr A Paloheimo (Finland)
Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) Mr K Berry
Maltese Miss N Welbourn
Miniature Pinscher Mr K Baldwin
Papillon Mr S Carroll (Ireland)
Pekingese Mr S Parsons
Pomeranian Mr A Easdon
Pug (dog) Mr R Dunlop
Pug (bitch) Mrs I McManus
Yorkshire Terrier Mrs S Arroyo
AV Import Breed Class Mr K Baldwin