
Time Display/Competition
08:15 Agility Crufts Novice Cup (Jumping)
09:25 Agility Championships - Large/Intermediate (Jumping)
10:30 Heelwork to Music Competition
11:50 Break
12:30 Agility Crufts Novice Cup Final (Agility)
13:25 Agility Champs Large/Intermediate (Agility)
14:15 Young Kennel Club -Jumping Cup
15:10 Flyball - The Last 16
15:50 Heelwork to Music Competition Winner
15:55 West Midlands Police Display
16:25 Break
17:00 Agility Championships - Large/Intermediate Final
17:40 Junior Warrant Competition Final
18:00 Breeders Competition Final
18:25 Group judging (Terrier) and presentation
19:15 Group judging (Hound) and presentation
20:05 Programme Ends

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Hall (Ring number) Breed and judge
1 (1) EARLY START 8:30AM
1 (1) Cairn Terrier - Mrs E Short
1 (1) Cesky Terrier - Mr D Burrage
1 (1) Kerry Blue Terrier - Mr A Salmon
1 (2) EARLY START 8:30AM
1 (2) Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - Mr G Dowdy
1 (2) Scottish Terrier - Mrs C A Rutherford
1 (3) LATE START 9:30AM
1 (3) Jack Russell Terrier - Mr S Delmar (Ireland)
1 (4) Sealyham Terrier - Mrs Z Thorn - Andrews
1 (4) Parson Russell Terrier - Mr C Powell
1 (5) EARLY START 8:30AM
1 (5) Lakeland Terrier - Mr N Connell
1 (5) Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Mr S Plane
1 (5) Airedale Terrier - Mrs M S Ward
1 (6) LATE START 9:30AM
1 (6) Skye Terrier - Mr R Allen
1 (6) Glen of Imaal Terrier - Mr M Phillips
1 (6) Manchester Terrier - Mr M Phillips
1 (7) LATE START 10:00AM
1 (7) Fox Terrier (Wire) - Mr P Wilkinson
1 (7) Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Dr I H Gabriel
1 (8) West Highland White Terrier - Miss M Burns
1 (8) Irish Terrier - Mr I Hemmings
2 (9) EARLY START 8:30AM
2 (9) Welsh Terrier - Mr J J Ashe
2 (9) Bedlington Terrier - Mr P Eardley
2 (9) Australian Terrier - Miss A Bradley
2 (10) LATE START 10:00AM
2 (10) Norwich Terrier - Mrs P Gray
2 (10) Norfolk Terrier - Mrs Z Thorn - Andrews
2 (11) Bull Terrier (Miniature) - Mrs L McGregor
2 (11) Bull Terrier - Mr G Hughes
2 (2) EARLY START 8:00AM
2 (12) Border Terrier - Mr D Hunt
2 (13) EARLY START 8:30AM
2 (13) Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Dog) - Mr T Moore
2 (14) EARLY START 8:00AM
2 (14) Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Bitches) - Mrs C A Corns
4 (15) Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Mr D Roberts
4 (15) Basenji - Mrs S Lee
4 (16) Dachshund (Wire Haired) - Mrs C Dare
4 (16) Finnish Spitz - Mr E Engh (Norway)
4 (16) *Bavarian Mountain Hound - Mr E Engh (Norway)
4 (17) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (17) Dachshund (Min Smooth Haired) - Mr R Wood
4 (18) Dachshund (Min Wire Haired) - Mrs L Sexton
4 (19/20) Irish Wolfhound - Dr L Salamon (Italy)
4 (21) Whippet (D) - Mrs C Osborne
4 (22) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (22) Whippet (B) - Mr A Foss (Norway)
4 (23) LATE START 10:00AM
4 (23) Dachshund (Min Long Haired) - Mr M Sanders
4 (23) *Foxhound - Mr M Sanders
4 (24) Dachshund (Long Haired) - Mr G Hill
4 (24) Pharoah Hound - Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
4 (24) *Hamiltonstovare - Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland)
5 (25) LATE START 9:30AM
5 (25) Saluki - Mrs J Cotterill
5 (26) EARLY START 8:30AM
5 (26) Deerhound - Mrs N Bailey
5 (26) *AV Import Register Hound - Mrs I McManus
5 (27) LATE START 10:00AM
5 (27) Bloodhound - Ms J Parker
5 (27) Ibizan Hound - Mrs S Simm
5 (27) Otterhound - Mrs L Mackenzie
5 (28) LATE START 10:00AM
5 (28) Borzoi - Mr J Horswell
5 (29) EARLY START 8:30AM
5 (29) Beagle - Mrs J Philpott
5 (30) LATE START 9:30AM
5 (30) Greyhound - Ms C Boggia
5 (30) Basset Fauve de Bretagne - Dr R W James
5 (31) LATE START 10 :00AM
5 (31) Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) - Mr P Freer
5 (31) Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) - Miss S Parker
5 (31) *Harrier - Miss S Parker
5 (32) LATE START 10:00AM
5 (32) Basset Hound - Miss L Armstrong
5 (33) LATE START 9:30AM
5 (33) Afghan Hound - Mr M Canalizo (USA)
5 (34) EARLY START 8:00AM
5 (34) Rhodesian Ridgeback - Mr D H Bates
5 (35) LATE START 10:00AM
5 (35) Norwegian Elkhound - Mrs J Maun
5 (35) *Portuguese Podengo (Warren Hound) - Mr G Grandi (Italy)
5 (35) *Cirneco dell’Etna - Mr G Grandi (Italy)
5 (35) *Sloughi - Mr G Grandi (Italy)
5 (3) Spare ring
3 YKC Stakes (Terrier) - Mrs J Ward
3 YKC Stakes (Hound) - Mrs J Ward
Arena Agility Championships (L/I) - Mr D Isbister

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display/Competiton
08:40 Parade
09:00 Inter-Regional Rally Levels 1 – 4
12:00 Obreedience
14:45 Inter-Regional Rally Levels 5 – 6
17:30 Inter-Regional Obedience Rehearsal
19:30 End

Young Kennel Club

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
08:15 YKC Jumping Cup Semi Final
10:25 Graduate Agility
11:40 Agility Presentations
12:00 Handling 06-11years (T&H)
12:40 Heelwork to Music (Freestyle)
14:00 Heelwork to Music (HTM)
14:50 Handling 12-17 years (T&H)
15:40 Handling 18-24 years (T&H)
16:30 YKC AV Hound Final
17:10 YKC AV Terrier Final

Good Citizen Dog Training scheme ring. Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
09:15 Gold Award Display
09.35 Star Citizens - Heelwork to Music
09.55 Silver Award Display
10.15 West Midlands Police
10.30 All-Breedience Display
10.40 KC Safe And Sound Scheme
10.45 Therapy Dogs Nationwide
10.55 Puppy Foundation Display
11.10 Hooper Holics
11.35 Gold Award Display
11.55 Medical Detection Dogs
12.20 Bronze Challenge Part 1
12.35 Canicross Display
12.45 Silver Award Display
13.05 Royal Air Force Police Display
13.30 Puppy Foundation Display
13.45 Star Citizens - Heelwork to Music
14.05 Tunnel of Temptation
14.20 KC Safe And Sound Scheme
14.25 Therapy Dogs Nationwide
14.35 Bronze Challenge Part 2
15.20 Canicross Display
15.30 Silver Award Display
15.50 GCDTS Presents ‘On the Money’
16.05 Puppy Foundation Display
16.20 All-Breedience Display
16.30 Hooper Holics
16.55 Star Citizens - Heelwork to Music
17.15 Gold Award Display
17.35 All Team Stay
17.45 Finish

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
09:00 Agility
09:30 Have a go at Agility
10:00 Bloodhounds
10:15 Rally
10:45 Have a go at Rally
11:15 Showing and Ringcraft
11:45 Obedience
12:15 Have a go at Obedience
12:45 Bloodhounds
13:00 Working Trials
13:30 Have a go at Working Trials
14:00 Showing and Ringcraft
14:30 Gundogs
15:15 Have a go at Gundogs
16:00 Heelwork to Music
16:30 Have a go at Heelwork to Music
17:00 Programme Ends