6-9 March 2025, The NEC Birmingham

Qualification for Crufts 2025

Crufts 2025 will take place on the 6 – 9 March at the NEC, Birmingham. Groups are scheduled as follows:

Postal entries close on Monday 6 January 2025

Online entries close on Monday 20 January 2025

For the show schedule and entry details please visit Crufts entries page.


The following are the qualifications a dog must have for entry at Crufts 2025.

A. Entry in breed classes at Crufts 2025, where challenge certificates are offered.

A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.

(1) If it is a Champion, Show Champion, Field Trial Champion, Working Trial Champion, Obedience Champion, or Agility Champion under the rules of The Kennel Club

(2) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by Monday 20 January 2025.

(3) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by Monday 20 January 2025 through Field Trials or Working Trials.

(4) If it has won any of the following prizes in a breed class (as defined in The Kennel Club regulations for the Definitions of Classes at Championship Shows) at a championship show, where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

i. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class

ii. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class

iii. First, Second or Third in Junior Class

iv. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class

v. First, Second or Third in Novice Class

vi. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class

vii. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class

viii. First, Second or Third in Limit Class

ix. First, Second or Third in Open Class

x. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class

xi. First, Second or Third in Special Beginner Class

(5) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2024. (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under a. (4) above).

(6) If a Beagle, has won a First Prize at a Hound Show between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025 held under the Rules and Regulations of the Masters of Harriers and Beagles Association.

(7) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

(8) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025

B. Additional entry into breed classes at Crufts 2025 where challenge certificates are offered.

If it has won any of the following prizes at General and Group Championship Shows, scheduled between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025 in non-CC classes for breeds normally allocated Challenge

Certificates (provided there are more than three breed classes or more than five classes for Stud Book Band E breeds).

i. Best of Breed

ii. Best Puppy in Breed

iii. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class

iv. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class

v. First, Second or Third in Junior Class

vi. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class

vii. First, Second or Third in Novice Class

viii. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class

ix. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class

x. First, Second or Third in Limit Class

xi. First, Second or Third in Open Class

xii. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class

xiii. First, Second or Third in Special Beginner Class

C. Entry in breed classes at Crufts 2025 where challenge certificates are not offered (including those breeds elevated to cc status at Crufts 2024 - Jack Russell Terrier, Kooikerhondje and Lagotto Romagnolo).

A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.

(1) If it has been declared Best of Sex or Reserve Best of Sex of a breed or gained any of the following Prizes in Breed or Variety Classes at a Championship Show, including Crufts between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025

i. Best of Breed

ii. Best Puppy in Breed

iii. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy Class

iv. First, Second or Third in Puppy Class

v. First, Second or Third in Junior Class

vi. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class

vii. First, Second or Third in Novice Class

viii. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class

ix. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class

x. First, Second or Third in Limit Class

xi. First, Second or Third in Open Class

xii. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class

xiii. First, Second or Third in Special Beginner Class

(See note 2.)

(2) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2024 (including AV Imported Register classes). (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under c. (1) above).

(3) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

(4) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show held between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

(5) If it has won Best in Show at the Vulnerable Native Breeds Show (hosted by The Lancashire Heeler Association) on Sunday 6 October 2024.

D. Entry into AV imported register classes at Crufts 2025.

A dog is eligible if it has been awarded Best of Sex or Reserve Best of Sex or gained any of the following prizes in the Imported Register classes at a General or Group Championship Show held between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.


i. Best AV Imported Breed Register

ii. Best Puppy AV Imported Breed Register

iii. First, Second or Third in Minor Puppy class

iv. First, Second or Third in Puppy class

v. First, Second or Third in Junior class

vi. First, Second or Third in Yearling Class

vii, First, Second or Third in Novice Class

viii. First, Second or Third in Graduate Class

ix. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate Class

x. First, Second or Third in Limit Class

xi. First, Second or Third in Open Class

xii. First, Second or Third in Veteran Class

xiii. First, Second or Third in Special Beginner Class

(2) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2024. (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under d. (1) above).

(3) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

(4) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show held between Monday 22 January 2024 and Monday 20 January 2025.

E. Entry in field trial classes at Crufts 2025.

A dog is eligible for entry in Field Trial classes for its breed if it has at any time won an award, a Diploma of Merit or a Certificate of Merit in actual competition at a Field Trial held under The Kennel Club or Irish Kennel Club Regulations.

F. Entry in special working gundog classes at Crufts 2025.

A dog is eligible for entry in Special Working Gundog classes for its breed if it has at any time been awarded a Working Gundog certificate, a Kennel Club Show Gundog Working Certificate or won an award, Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit in competition at a Field Trial held under the rules of any governing body recognised by The Kennel Club.

G. Entry in special working trial classes at Crufts 2025.

With the exception of Bloodhounds, a dog is eligible for entry in Working Trial classes for its breed if it has gained a qualification not lower than UD Excellent under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations. A Bloodhound is eligible for entry in Working Trial classes if it has won a prize at a Working Trial for Bloodhounds held under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations.

H. Obedience championships at Crufts 2025.

A dog is eligible for entry if it has won a Kennel Club Obedience Certificate at a Show held between 22 January 2024 and 20 January 2025.

Overseas qualifications

The following qualifications refer to Kennel Club recognised breeds only (including Kennel Club recognised Imported Register breeds with an interim breed standard)

(1) Any champion from a country with which The Kennel Club has a reciprocal agreement qualifies automatically if it is domiciled in the UK and is on The Kennel Club Breed Register.

(2) Any FCI International Beauty Champion and the two Show Champion titles CIB for 'non-working breeds' and CIE for 'working breeds’.

(3) Winners of Junior Dog, Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and the Best Bitch at nominated shows in overseas countries as listed on the Crufts website.

(4) Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch plus CACIB Dog and CACIB Bitch at the World Dog Show 2024. Winners of Junior Dog, Junior Bitch, Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch plus CACIB Dog and CACIB Bitch at the European Dog Show in Slovenia in 2024.

(5) USA – Winners of Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Best Bred-By-Exhibitor, Select Dog and Bitch and Awards of Excellence at the December 2024 AKC National Championship. In addition, Best of Breed,

Best of Opposite, Best Bred-By-Exhibitor, Select Dog and Bitch and Awards of Merit at one National Breed Specialty show per breed chosen by the breed Parent Club and agreed by the AKC.

(6) CANADA - The top five dogs from each breed according to the Top Show Dog point system, as well as the Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Select Dog, Select Bitch and Award of Merit Winners at the National Specialties agreed by the Canadian Kennel Club.

(7) AUSTRALIA – Shows have been nominated for 2024 in each of the eight states. Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and the Best Bitch to qualify at each show.

(8) JAPAN – Winners of Best Dog and Best Bitch of each breed, as well as Best Puppy Dog of each breed and Best Puppy Bitch of each breed at the JKC Sakura Annual Show 2024 (FCI International Dog), Tokyo, Japan.

(9) NEW ZEALAND(to be confirmed) Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and Best Bitch to qualify from the NZKC National Show.

(10) GUERNSEY(to be confirmed) All Group Winners, Best Puppy in Show, Reserve Best Puppy in Show, Best Veteran in Show plus Best Junior in Show from the Spring, Autumn and Winter Open Shows in 2024.

(11) JERSEY – All Group Winners, All Puppy Group Winners, All Junior Group Winners plus Best Veteran in Show from three nominated Championship Shows in 2024.

(12) HONG KONG – Winners of CAC Dog and CAC Bitch for all Kennel Club recognised breeds from the Summer Classic All Breed Championship Dog Show, in September 2024.

(13) SOUTH AFRICA – All Challenge Certificate (CC’s) and Best of Breed (BOB) winners at the KUSA Championship Show 31 May 2024 .

(14) IRELAND – Winners of Best Junior Dog, Best Junior Bitch, Best Dog and Best Bitch in each Kennel Club recognised breed from the Celtic Winners Show on Sunday 17 June 2024 and the All-Breed Championship Show on Sunday 5 October 2024.

(15) BERMUDA (TBC) - All Bermuda Champions in the 2024 International Dog Show, Best Puppy & Best Veteran.

In order to compete with your dogs in the UK if your dog isn’t registered with The Kennel Club, you will require an ‘Authority to Compete’ (ATC) from The Kennel Club. Please apply for your ATC as early as possible to ensure plenty of time for your request to be processed.

Notes on qualifications

1. A breed class is a class confined to one breed.

2. Awards as above qualify a dog for entry at Crufts 2025 only if the class in which the award was gained was not made ‘Special’ in any way, i.e. by age, colour, height, weight, coat, to members of a society, to breeders etc. Wins in sweepstake classes do not qualify, nor do wins in any classes other than those stated above.

3. Junior and Veteran Champion titles are not recognised by The Kennel Club.

4. In any class scheduled at Crufts 2025 for which an age limit appears in the definition the age is calculated to Thursday 6 March 2025.

5. No entries will be accepted ‘Not for Competition’.

6. Dogs qualifying after Monday 6 January 2025 can only be entered online.

7. For a full list of overseas qualifying shows please visit Authority to compete (ATC).

Competing in the UK


· Docked Dogs

Under law, no docked dogs are permitted to be shown at Crufts.

· Cropping

No dog with cropped ears is eligible to enter or compete at any Kennel Club licensed event.

· Exhibitors of Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs

All Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Pugs 12 months old on or before Thursday 6th March 2025 will need to have a valid Respiratory Function Grading Scheme assessment result to enter and compete at Crufts 2025. An assessment must be in date, i.e. no older than two years from the start of the show. Dogs turning 12 months on or after 1st January 2025 will be eligible to have their dog assessed at the show prior to entry to their class. All dogs assessed as Grade 3 will not be able to enter the show.

International exhibitors must have a valid RFG assessment in place provided from a licensee country for the RFG scheme, or commit to having the assessment at the show, prior to entry to their class. Overseas exhibitors will be provided with the opportunity to have dogs assessed in a private area at any time from the first day of the show. For up to date information including licensed countries please visit RFG Scheme on The Kennel Club website or email Health (Kennel Club).

Bringing dogs into the UK

Crufts exhibitors must ensure that their dogs fully comply with the entry rules for bringing dogs into the UK. In the case of dogs being brought from some countries, this will involve a process which can take a number of months to complete prior to travel to the UK and Crufts.

For further details please see www.gov.uk/bring-pet-to-great-britain

Please note: Birmingham Airport is not a legal point of entry into the UK for those travelling with dogs. Please ensure you come into the UK via an approved route. For more guidance visit www.gov.uk