Whilst we ensure all efforts have been made that material that infringes the law will not be present on The Kennel Club and Crufts websites, we recognise the risk of such material being published. If we are notified of a potential breach of copyright, or receive a plausible complaint indicating a violation of any law, the material involved will be withdrawn as quickly as possible pending further investigation.
If you are concerned that there is material on our website(s), for which you have not given permission, or which may be regarded as obscene / defamatory or is in breach of copyright, trademark or patent law or contains sensitive data, please contact us in writing stating the following:
1. Your contact details.
2. The full details of the material.
3. The exact and full url where you found the material.
4. The reason for your request and if the request relates to copyright, provide proof that you are the rights holder.
Contact details:
Upon receipt of notification the ‘Notice and Takedown’ procedure will be invoked as follows:
1. The Kennel Club will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email and will make an initial assessment of the validity of the complaint.
2. If the complaint is assessed as valid the material will be temporarily removed from the relevant Kennel Club and Crufts website pending an agreed solution.
3. The Kennel Club will contact the contributor who provided the material. The contributor will be notified that the material is subject to a complaint and the grounds for the complaint, and will be requested to respond to the complaint raised.
4. The complainant and the contributor will be encouraged to resolve the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:
• The material is restored to the Kennel Club and Crufts website unchanged;
• The material is restored to the Kennel Club and Crufts website with changes;
• The material is permanently removed from the website(s).
5. If the contributor and the complainant are unable to agree a solution, the material will remain unavailable through the
Kennel Club and Crufts websites unless or until a resolution is reached.