6-9 March 2025, The NEC Birmingham

Charity discount

Note to registered charities:

Please note that registered charities are entitled to a discount for the first 5m of space. The total cost for each stand type is detailed below.

Stand type *Discounted charity rate for first 5m2 Rate for additional space Total value of discount
(space only – for independent stand build)
Free of charge £231.00 per m2 + VAT £1155.00
(including modular, canopy shell scheme package)
£28.00 x 5 = £140.00 + VAT £254.00 per m2 + VAT £1130.00
*OTHER (three open sides) SITE (including modular, canopy shell scheme package) £28.00 x 5 = £140.00 + VAT £201.00 per m2 + VAT £865.00
*OTHER (two open sides) SITE (including modular, canopy shell scheme package) £28.00 x 5 = £140.00 + VAT £195.00 per m2 + VAT £835.00
*OTHER (one open side) SITE (including modular, canopy shell scheme package) £28.00 x 5 = £140.00 + VAT £159.00 per m2 + VAT £655.00

*Please note that as in previous years there is no charge for the first 5m of space. The charge levied (£28.00 per m2) is for the cost of the modular shell scheme.

The above discounts apply to registered charities only and not to commercial fundraising organisations.