- Main arena
- Breed Judging
- Obedience ring
- GCDTS Ring
- Activities ring
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Time | Display/Competition |
08:30 | Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling competition |
10:20 | Agility - Crufts Medium ABC & Intermediate/Large Novice ABC Final (Jumping) |
11:00 | Agility - Crufts Singles Heat - S/M/I/L - Jumping |
11:55 | Freestyle Heelwork to Music competition |
13:30 | Agility - Crufts Singles Heat - S/M/I/L - Agility |
14:25 | Agility – Crufts Medium ABC and Intermediate/Large Novice ABC Final (Agility) |
15:10 | Flyball – Team – The Last 16 |
15:50 | Freestyle Heelwork to Music Competition Winner |
15:55 | West Midlands Police Dog Display |
16:20 | Break |
17:05 | Agility – Crufts Singles Final: Small, Medium, Intermediate and Large (Agility) |
17:50 | Vulnerable Breeds Competition Final |
18:15 | Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling competition Final Judging |
18:35 | Group Judging (Utility) and Presentation |
19:25 | Group Judging (Toy) and Presentation |
20:15 | Programme Ends |
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Hall (Ring number) | Breed and judge |
1 (1) | LATE START 10AM |
1 (1) | Keeshond - Mrs M Reed-Peck |
1 (1) | Schnauzer - Mr S Frost |
1 (2) | Miniature Schnauzer - Mr F Kane |
1 (3) | Kooikerhondje - Mr A Allen |
1 (3) | *Eurasier - Mr T Ball |
1 (3) | *AV Imported Register (Utility) - Mr K Baldwin |
1 (3) | *AV Imported Register (Toy) - Mr K Baldwin |
1 (4) | LATE START 9:30AM |
1 (4) | Akita - Miss K Pearson-Smith |
1 (4) | *Japanese Akita Inu - Miss E Haapaniemi (Finland) |
1 (4) | *Canaan Dog - Dr A Paloheimo (Finland) |
1 (5) | Schipperke - Mrs B A Bradford |
1 (5) | Chow Chow - Mr R N Nunn |
1 (6) | Japanese Shiba Inu - Miss P Sillett |
1 (6) | Japanese Spitz - Miss L Moir |
1 (7) | EARLY START 8:00AM |
1 (7) | Dalmatian - Mrs I E Whiting |
1 (8) | EARLY START 8:30AM |
1 (8) | German Spitz (Klein) - Mr J Horswell |
1 (8) | German Spitz (Mittel) - Mr E Engh (Norway) |
1 (8) | Vulnerable Breed comp prejudging @ 2 pm - Mr G Hill |
2 (10) | Poodle (Standard) - Mrs L Barker |
2 (11) | LATE START 10:00AM |
2 (11) | Poodle (Toy) - Mrs J Hannar |
2 (12) | LATE START 9:30AM |
2 (12) | Poodle (Miniature) - Mrs A E Harry-Griffiths |
2 (13) | Shih Tzu - Miss S Bird |
2 (14) | LATE START 9:30AM |
2 (14) | Lhasa Apso - Mr T Poole (Dogs) & Mrs P Torrance (Bitches) |
4 (15) | EARLY START 8:30AM |
4 (15) | Bulldog - Mr P New |
4 (16) | EARLY START 8:30AM |
4 (16) | French Bulldog |
4 (17) | Tibetan Spaniel - Mrs M L Osborn |
1 (18) | Tibetan Terrier - Mrs P Gilbert |
4 (19) | Boston Terrier - Mr T Jones |
4 (19) | Shar Pei - Miss D Spavin |
4 (20) | Bichon Frise - Mr S Bardwell |
4 (20) | Griffon Bruxellois - Miss M Swinge |
4 (21) | LATE START 9:30AM |
4 (21) | Pug (D) - Mr R Dunlop |
4 (22) | LATE START 9:30AM |
4 (22) | Pug (B) - Mrs I McManus |
4 (23) | LATE START 9:30AM |
4 (23) | Pekingese - Mr S Parsons |
4 (23) | *Bolognese - Mrs R McCarry-Beattie |
4 (24) | LATE START 9:30AM |
4 (24) | Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) - Mr K Berry |
4 (24) | Japanese Chin - Ms J Thomas |
5 (25) | LATE START 10:00AM |
5 (25) | Chinese Crested - Mr S Payne |
5 (26) | Italian Greyhound - Mr G Grandi (Italy) |
5 (26) | Havanese - Mr R Haynes |
5 (27) | Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Mrs M Thorpe (Ireland) |
5 (28) | LATE START 9:30AM |
5 (28) | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) - Miss A Jacks |
5 (29) | Papillon - Mr S Carroll (Ireland) |
5 (29) | |
5 (30) | LATE START 9:30AM |
5 (30) | Pomeranian - Mr A Easdon |
5 (31) | LATE START 9:30AM |
5 (31) | Miniature Pinscher - Mr K Baldwin |
5 (31) | English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) - Mr R Ward |
5 (32) | King Charles Spaniel - Dr A Paloheimo (Finland) |
5 (32) | *Australian Silky Terrier - Dr A Paloheimo (Finland) |
5 (33) | LATE START 10:00AM |
5 (33) | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (D) - Mrs M Fox-Shone |
5 (34) | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (B) - Mr M Sedgwick |
3 (35) | LATE START 10:00AM |
3 (35) | Maltese - Miss N Welbourn |
3 (35) | Yorkshire Terrier - Mrs S Arroyo |
5 (36) | Affenpinscher - Mrs Z Thorn - Andrews |
5 (36) | *Coton de Tulear - Mrs Z Thorn - Andrews |
3 | YKC Stakes (Utility) - Mrs J Ward |
3 | YKC Stakes (Toy) - Mrs J Ward |
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Time | Display/competition |
08:40 | Parade |
09:00 | Inter-Regional Obedience Competition |
17:30 | Obedience Championships Rehearsal |
19:30 | End |
Young Kennel Club
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Time | Display |
08:00 | Dog Grooming Competition (Zone A) |
08:30 | Basic Obedience (Zone B) |
10:10 | Basic Obedience Presentations |
10:25 | Novice Obedience (Zone B) |
11:45 | Novice Obedience & Grooming Presentation |
12:05 | Handling 18-24 years (U&T) |
12:55 | High Flyers Obedience |
14:10 | Handling 06-11 years (U&T) |
15:00 | High Flyers Obedience Presentation |
15:10 | Handling 12-17 years (U&T) |
16:00 | YKC AV Utility Stakes Final |
16:50 | YKC AV Toy Stakes Final |
Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme ring Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Time | Display |
09.00 | Gold Award Display |
09.20 | Star Citizens - Heelwork to Music |
09.40 | Silver Award Display |
10.00 | West Midlands Police Display |
10.15 | Puppy Foundation Display |
10.30 | Southern Golden Retriever DT |
10.50 | KC Safe And Sound Scheme |
10.55 | Therapy Dogs Nationwide |
11.05 | Jenny Gould Motivation |
11.30 | Bronze Challenge Part 1 |
11.45 | Royal Air Force Police Display |
12.05 | Gold Award Display |
12.25 | Scentwork Training Display |
12.45 | Silver Award Display |
13.05 | Medical Detection Dogs |
13.30 | Tunnel of Temptation |
13 45 | Puppy Foundation Display |
14.00 | KC Safe And Sound Scheme |
14.05 | Therapy Dogs Nationwide |
14.15 | Bronze Challenge Part 2 |
15.00 | Star Citizens - Heelwork to Music |
15.20 | GCDTS Presents ‘On the Money’ |
15.35 | Puppy Foundation Display |
15.50 | Scentwork Training Display |
16.10 | Jenny Gould Motivation Display |
16.35 | Silver Award Display |
16.55 | Southern Golden Retriever DT |
17 15 | Gold Award Display |
17.35 | All Team Stay |
17.45 | Finish |
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.
Time | Display |
09:00 | Showing and Ringcraft |
09:30 | Agility |
10:00 | Rally |
10:30 | Bloodhounds |
10:45 | Gundogs |
11:30 | Working Trials |
12:00 | Obedience |
12:30 | Heelwork to Music |
13:00 | Bloodhounds |
13:15 | Agility |
13:45 | Working Trials |
14:15 | Showing and Ringcraft |
14:45 | Obedience |
15:15 | Gundogs |
16:00 | Heelwork to Music |
16:30 | Rally |
17:00 | Programme Ends |