
Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display/Competition
08:15 Crufts – International Invitation – Large (Jumping)
09:00 Scruffts semi-final
10:00 Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme Display
10:30 Hoopers display
11:00 Southern Golden Retriever Display Team
11:20 West Midlands Police Display
11:50 Heelwork to Music – Freestyle International Competition
13:40 Agility – International Invitation – Large (Agility)
14:20 Young Kennel Club - Agility Dog of the Year Finals
15:40 Flyball – YKC Flyball finals followed by Team quarter finals
16:25 Break
16:50 Show Opening and Parade
17:00 Agility – International Invitation - Large – Agility Finals
17:40 Scruffts final
18:05 Heelwork to Music – Freestyle International Winner
18:10 Obedience Champion (Bitch) and Reserve (Bitch) Display 
18:25 Gundog display
18:45 Gamekeepers competition final
19:00 Group Judging (Gundog) and Presentation
19:50 Programme Ends

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Hall (Ring number) Breed and judge
1 (2) Irish Red & White Setter - Mrs S Barry
1 (2) LATE START 9:30AM
1 (3) Irish Setter (D) - Mrs J A Humphreys
1 (4) Irish Setter (B) - Mr F Kane
1 (5) Gordon Setter - Mrs S Upton-Lovett
1 (6) LATE START 10:00AM
1 (6) English Setter - Mrs S Littlechild
1 (7/8) EARLY START 8:00AM
1 (7/8) Pointer - Mr B Williams
2 (9) Spaniel (American Cocker) - Mr J Horswell
2 (9) Spaniel (Sussex) - Mr C Brown
2 (10) Spaniel (Welsh Springer) - Mr N Worth
2 (11) LATE START 9:30AM
2 (11) Spaniel (Clumber) - Mrs L J Thorogood
2 (11) Spaniel (Field) - Ms G Osborn
2 (12) Spaniel (English Springer) - Mrs D Conrad
2 (13) Spaniel (Cocker) (D) - Mrs S Telford
2 (14) EARLY START 8:00AM
2 (14) Spaniel (Cocker) (B) - Mrs S Shinkfield
4 (15) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (15) Weimaraner - Mrs G Simpson
4 (15) *AV Imported Register (Gundog) - Mrs I McManus
4 (16) German Shorthaired Pointer - Mrs V Mann
4 (16) German Wirehaired Pointer - Mr J D Martin
4 (16) *German Longhaired Pointer - Mrs V Mann
4 (17) Bracco Italiano - Mrs L Bowley
4 (17) Spaniel (Irish Water) - Mrs K Stirk
4 (17) Brittany - Mr P Yarrow
4 (18) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (18) Hungarian Vizsla - Mr F Whyte
4 (19) Italian Spinone - Mrs D Smillie-Gray
4 (20) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (20) Large Munsterlander - Miss S Pinkerton
4 (20) Lagotto Romagnolo - Mr G Grandi (Italy)
4 (21) Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla - Mrs S Tolladay
4 (21) Retriever (Curly Coated) - Mr M Armstrong
4 (22) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (22) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) - Mrs Y Burchell
4 (23) Retriever (Flat Coated) (D) - Mrs K Joyce
4 (24) EARLY START 8:30AM
4 (24) Retriever (Flat Coated) (B) - Mr E Engh (Norway)
5 (27/28) EARLY START 8:00AM
5 (27/28) Retriever (Golden) (D) - Mrs V B Clarke-Gear
5 (29/30) EARLY START 8:00AM
5 (29/30) Retriever (Labrador) (D) - Mrs L McGillivray
5 (31/32) EARLY START 8:00AM
5 (31/32) Retriever (Labrador) (B) - Mrs J Hodge
5 (33/34) EARLY START 8:00AM
5 (33/34) Retriever (Golden) (B) - Mrs F M Clarkson
5 (36) LATE START 9:30AM
5 (36) Spanish Water Dog - Mrs J Gill-Davis
5 (36) Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) - Mrs J Eyeington
5 Obedience Championships (Bitches) - Ms S Delany
3 YKC Stakes Finals (Gundog) - Mrs J Ward

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display/competition
08:40 Parade
09:00 Obedience Championships (Bitch)
18:10 Winners Demonstration in Main Arena
18:25 End

Young Kennel Club

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
08:00 Flyball
09:35 Agility Dog of the Year Semi-Final (ADOTY)
11:55 ADOTY Presentations
12:15 Handling 06-11 years (G&X)
13:05 Handling 12-17 years (G&X)
13:55 YKC Rally
15:10 Handling 18-24 years (G&X)
16:00 YKC AV Gundog Stakes Final
16:50 YKC ABC Agility

Good Citizen Dog Training Scheme ring Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
08.45 GCDTS SPBO Stakes Parade
09.00 GCDTS SPBO Stakes Grand Final
12.15 Bronze Challenge Part 1
12.30 KCGCDTS Stakes Presentation
12.45 Gold Award Display
13.05 Scentwork Display- Nuneaton DTC
13 30 Silver Award Display
13.50 Puppy Foundation Display
14.05 Tunnel of Temptation
14.20 Star Citizens- Heelwork to Music
14.40 Bronze Challenge Part 2
15.20 GCDTS Presents ‘On the Money’
15.35 Puppy Foundation Display
15.50 Scentwork Display- Nuneaton DTC
16.15 Silver Award Display
16.35 Southern Golden Retriever DT
16.55 Star Citizens- Heelwork to Music
17.15 Gold Award Display
17.35 All Team Stay
17.45 Finish
*10.00 GCDTS Display - Crufts Arena

Programme is subject to change. Please note times are approximate.

Time Display
09:00 Rally
09:30 Bloodhounds
09:45 Showing and Ringcraft
10:15 Working Trials
10:45 Heelwork to Music
11:15 Gundogs
12:00 Obedience
12:30 Agility
13:00 Rally
13:30 Working Trials
14:00 Heelwork to Music
14:30 Bloodhounds
14:45 Obedience
15:15 Gundogs
16:00 Have a Go Dog Show Final
16:30 Agility
17:00 Programme Ends