6-9 March 2025, The NEC Birmingham

Taking good care of your pet on a budget

cat in long grass

The love that we receive from our pets is priceless, but unfortunately the practical care that we give back to them has a price tag.  


Taking good care of your cat or dog is essential for their health and happiness, but it can also be expensive. But there are opportunities to save money without compromising on their quality of life. Here’s how to keep your pet happy and healthy on a budget.


Buying food for your cat or dog is one of the most significant expenses involved with taking care of them. However, there are ways to save money on pet food without sacrificing quality. Consider buying their pet food in bulk, purchasing generic brands, or making your pet's food at home with vet-approved recipes. You can also look for deals and coupons online or in-store to save money. Remember, if you switch up your pet’s food, remember to do so gradually, so you don’t upset their tummy. 


If you’re struggling to pay for pet food, you can look online to find your nearest food bank for pets. 


It’s essential to groom your pet, particularly if they’re a medium or long-haired breed, or if they’re very active outdoors. However, regular trips to professional groomers can put a strain on your budget. How about learning how to groom them at home instead? Invest in a good quality brush and comb and learn how to clip your pet's nails and clean their ears. We’re living in a world where there is a YouTube instructional video on just about everything. Take advantage and upskill. It will not only save you money, but it can also help strengthen your bond with your pet too.

Health care

As the old saying goes, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. Taking your pet for regular health check-ups and taking preventative steps at home to keep your pet healthy will help you avoid costly vet bills in the long run. Signing up for a pet insurance policy is another idea that can help cover unexpected medical costs down the line. You can also look for low-cost veterinary clinics in your area, and check with your vet about any discounts or payment plans they may offer.

Exercise and play

Keeping your pet active and entertained is essential for their physical and mental wellbeing. However, this doesn't have to be expensive. Take your dog for walks, play fetch in the park, or set up a DIY obstacle course in your garden. For cats, invest in some toys and scratching posts or create a play area using items you have at home. Cardboard boxes with the ends open make fun tunnels to play in, or you could make use of some old muffin trays of egg cartons to place treats underneath. Put your imagination and creativity to work. 


Also, before you go shopping for brand-new items for your pet, why not look online to see if someone nearby is selling the same item second-hand?