Judging dog shows

Ever wondered what goes through a judge’s mind at a prestigious event like Crufts? While it may seem like they’re simply admiring sleek coats and wagging tails, there’s a meticulous process, with their main considerations being construction, type, soundness and movement, temperament, evaluating how closely each dog aligns with its breed standard. 


1) First impressions count: Judging structure 

The first step is assessing the dog’s type, to ensure they are a good example of the breed. They then assess the dog’s construction, beginning with a stance called the stack(or stand’ for free-standing breeds like Labradors). Handlers ensure their dog’s legs are aligned and their overall posture highlights their physical attributes. This pose allows judges to examine the dog’s size, proportions, balance and overall appearance in detail. A dog that is stood well creates a strong first impression, which can set the tone for the rest of the evaluation. 

2) Examination: A closer look

Judges also conduct a hands-on examination, allowing them to assess areas that aren’t visible from a distance. They will run their hands along the dog’s body to evaluate a number of things, including: 

  • Overall construction- e.g. Depth of chest and strength of topline 
  • Coat condition and overall fitness 
  • Temperament of the dog 
  • Specific physical characteristics required by the breed standard 

3) Movement in action: Judging gait 

After the structure assessment and hands on examinations have been completed, it’s time to see the dogs in motion. Handlers guide their dogs around the ring at a trot, a process known as gaiting.

Judges watch how the dog moves, looking for smooth, efficient strides. Ideally, the rear paws should land directly in line with the front paws, creating a balanced, effortless gait confirming sound structure and stamina.

4) Judging temperament: Calm under pressure 

Throughout the process, judges will be observing the dog’s temperament. Ultimately, a show dog should be happy, confident, calm, and cooperative. Dogs that appear overly shy or reactive may be excused from the ring. 

However, judges understand that dogs are not robots. Of course, small movements or moments of excitement are normal, and the judge will understand this, but the dog should be able to regains focus and composure. 

5) And the winner is… 

Once all aspects - structure, movement, and temperament have been carefully evaluated, the judge makes their final decision. The dog chosen as the winner is the one that, in the judge's opinion, conforms closest to the KC Breed Standard. 


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